I did install.packages("choroplethr")
, followed by library(choroplethr)
. I want to find out how to do a zip code choropleth, so I start typing in RStudio,
..." The only function that RStudio finds is zip_map
. I go to its help file and see the following documentation:
This function is deprecated as of choroplethr version 3.0.0. Please use ?zip_choropleth instead. The last version of choroplethr in which this function worked was version 2.1.1, which can be downloaded from CRAN here: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/choroplethr/index.html
Okay, I guess I'll find out about this zip_choroplethr
function then.
# No documentation for ‘zip_choroplethr’ in specified packages and libraries:
# you could try ‘??zip_choroplethr’
Thank you for using choroplethr.
zip_map is, indeed, deprecated. It used scatterplots, which wasn't the best way to visualize zip codes, especially because they are so small.
Within choroplethr, Zip code choropleths are managed by a new, separate package: choroplethrZip. You can see the installation instructions and documentation here.
CRAN rejected choroplethrZip due to the size of the map, which is why it is in separate package and on github.