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Boost Unit test framework fixtures using free functions

How does one use free functions for fixtures (setup and teardown) as hinted here: flexible models ? The docs don't show an example and the library tests do not use this scenario. I am looking for an example for a test suite.


  • FWIW, this works for me:

    #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE foo
    #include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
    namespace utf = boost::unit_test;
    void setup ()    { BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("set up fun"); }
    void teardown () { BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("tear down fun"); }
    BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(bar, *utf::fixture (&setup, &teardown))
        BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("running test1");
        BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("running test2");


    $ clang++ -I/usr/local/include test.cpp && ./a.out --log_level=all
    Running 2 test cases...
    Entering test module "foo"
    test.cpp:9: Entering test suite "bar"
    set up fun
    test.cpp:11: Entering test case "test1"
    running test1
    test.cpp:13: info: check true has passed
    test.cpp:11: Leaving test case "test1"; testing time: 56us
    test.cpp:16: Entering test case "test2"
    running test2
    test.cpp:18: info: check true has passed
    test.cpp:16: Leaving test case "test2"; testing time: 36us
    tear down fun
    test.cpp:9: Leaving test suite "bar"; testing time: 148us
    Leaving test module "foo"; testing time: 244us

    Notice the call to setup before the suite is run and the call to teardown at the end.