I am trying to sketch out a Drupal 8 based solution by which content is authored in a modular way, with an arbitrary number of different modular blocks of content, (similar to Sir Trevor https://madebymany.github.io/sir-trevor-js/) that would also allow nodes to be pushed (or pulled) to other separate Drupal 8 installs (similar to content push https://www.drupal.org/project/content_push). So far I can't seem to find any obvious solutions, most seem to require knowledge of the content configuration beforehand. Is there an obvious solution I'm overlooking or just ignorant of?
It looks like this is currently not possible for Drupal 8, using community maintained modules. The Feeds Extensible Parsers module is not ready, which means the services+feeds method for disseminating content is not feasible, and the Deploy module is not ready. (Though methods may become available in the future for this particular workflow.)