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What is the best way of using NLog with MEF?

I am wondering what is the best way to use NLog with Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF)?

I have an application that support plugins using MEF architecture (Import and Exports etc) I want to add logging capability to my application. As a logging component I want to use NLog.

What would you recommend? 1. Create a wrapper for NLog, i.e. additional plugin that configures NLog and exports functions like void Log(string level, string message) that other plugins importing 2. Every plugin should have it is own instance of NLog configured and used. (They all would write to the same file actually).


  • This is an interesting approach, however, it seems to suffer from the drawback that all loggers that are injected (or the one singleton that is injected) will be the same instance (or will have the same name, the name being the name of the NLogLoggingService class. That means that you cannot very easily control the granularity of logging (i.e. turn logging to "Info" level in one class and "Warn" in another class). Also, if you opt to use the call site formatting tokens, you will always get the call site of the call the the NLog logger rather than the call site in your application code.

    Here is an abbreviated version of the logger that was linked:

      [Export(Services.Logging.LoggingService, typeof(ILoggingService))] 
      class NLogLoggingService : ILoggingService 
        Logger log; public NLogLoggingService() 
          log = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); 
        public void Debug(object message) 
        public void DebugWithFormat(string format, params object[] args) 
          if (args.Length == 0) 
            Debug(string.Format(format, args)); 
        public bool IsDebugEnabled 
            return log.IsDebugEnabled; 

    In the constructor LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger() is used to get the NLog logger. GetCurrentClassLogger will return a NLog logger that is "named" based on the "current" type, which, in this case, is NLogLoggingService. So, to configure NLog in the app.config file, you will configure based on the that the logger is named "SoapBox.Core.NLogLoggingService". Commonly, in code that uses NLog (or log4net) directly, each class gets its own uniquely named logger like this:

    namespace MyNamespace
      public class MyClass1
        private static readonly Logger logger LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
        public void DoSomeWork()
          logger.Info("Logging from inside MyClass1.DoSomeWork");
      public class MyClass2
        private static readonly Logger logger LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
        public void DoSomeWork()
          logger.Info("Logging from inside MyClass2.DoSomeWork");

    Now the logging for MyClass1 and MyClass2 is individually controllable. You can configure different levels for each class, send them to different targets, or turn one or both off altogether. Alternatively, due to the concept of logger hierarchies in both log4net and NLog, you could control the logging in both class simultaneously by configuring a "logger" for the namespace (MyNamespace in this case), or any "ancestor" namespace. If there is not a logger configured for the fully qualified typename, then the logging framework essentially moves up the hierarchy by considering the name a dot delimited string and removing the last chunk and checking to see if that logger is configured. So, in this case, we are requesting loggers for MyNamespace.MyClass1 and MyNamespace.MyClass2. I could configure the app.config file to have MyNamespace log at the "info" and write to a file target (appender in log4net-speak). If I did that, then both loggers that I requested via their fully qualified names would inherit the MyNamespace configuration.

    With the suggested way of injecting NLog via MEF, you will only have one logger instance, so you cannot configure each class to log differently. Also, as I mentioned earlier, if you opt to log call site information, you will always get "SoapBox.Core.NLogLoggingService" for the class and "Debug" (or DebugWithFormat, or Info, or InfoWithFormat, etc) for the method.

    This seems to be an issue with successfully injecting loggers from log4net and NLog. You can see the question that I asked about this very issue a couple of months ago.

    Ultimately I was able to figure out how some dependency injection frameworks can successfully inject log4net and NLog loggers that are specific to the class being created (i.e. if the DI framework is instantiating MyClass, which in turn depends on an ILogger interface, then MyClass will get a logger that is essentially equivalent to what would have happened if MyClass requested the logger itself via the LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger api). Generally "resolvers" in DI/IoC frameworks are given the current context (containing, among other information, the type of the object currently being created). With that type available, it becomes a simple matter of having a logging framework-specific resolver receive that type and pass it along to the logging framework to create a logger appropriate for that type.

    In order to get the most out of NLog's (and log4net's) capabilities you would really like to be able to tell MEF that your class is dependendent on "ILogger", but also that the instance of "ILogger" that gets injected into your class should depend on the Type of your class.

    I don't know how easy it will be to achieve that with MEF. Alternatively, you could wrap NLog's static LogManager in a ILogManager and inject that. That would deviate from the normal "inject ILogger" paradigm.

    To summarize: If you inject NLog via MEF this way, you will indeed be able to log with NLog, but you will only ever have one named logger (SoapBox.Core.NLogLoggingService). This means that you will not be able control with any degree of granularity - either for levels/on/off or for output (NLog Target/log4net Appender)

    I don't have a good answer for what to do as far as injecting NLog via MEF AND keeping the granularity/flexibility that "raw" NLog gives you.

    I can say that we have decided to use Common.Logging for .NET to abstract the logging framework but we decided NOT to inject logging. Instead, we will just use a static LogManager (as provided by Common.Logging) to hand out loggers.