I am trying to use FirebaseRecyclerAdapter
with RecyclerView
to display items of different types. Specifically stock transactions of a particular stock by a user. I have extended FirebaseRecyclerAdapter
as per my understanding but it doesn't work. Following is the code:
public abstract class StockTransactionFirebaseRecyclerAdapter extends
FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<StockTransactionType, TransactionViewHolder>
implements ListenerInterface
private static final String TAG = "StockTxnAdapter";
private DatabaseReference mFirebaseDatabaseReference;
private FirebaseListenerManager mFirebaseListenerManager;
private String mUserId;
public StockTransactionFirebaseRecyclerAdapter (Query ref, DatabaseReference databaseReference,
String userId)
// The layout portfolio_buy_transaction_item is just a dummy since we are
// inflating our own layouts when required.
super (StockTransactionType.class, R.layout.portfolio_buy_transaction_item,
TransactionViewHolder.class, ref);
mFirebaseDatabaseReference = databaseReference;
mFirebaseListenerManager = new FirebaseListenerManager ();
mUserId = userId;
Log.e (TAG, "Inside StockTransactionFirebaseRecyclerAdapter");
public int getItemViewType (int position)
StockTransactionType stockTransactionType = getItem (position);
Log.e (TAG, "Inside getItemViewType (" + position + "): " + stockTransactionType.returnType ());
return stockTransactionType.returnType ();
public TransactionViewHolder onCreateViewHolder (ViewGroup parent, int viewType)
Log.e (TAG, "onCreateViewHolder for " + viewType);
View itemView;
switch (viewType)
case StockTransactionType.TRANSACTION_TYPE_BUY:
itemView = LayoutInflater.from (parent.getContext ())
.inflate (R.layout.portfolio_buy_transaction_item, parent, false);
return new BuyTransactionViewHolder (itemView);
case StockTransactionType.TRANSACTION_TYPE_SELL:
itemView = LayoutInflater.from (parent.getContext ())
.inflate (R.layout.portfolio_sell_transaction_item, parent, false);
return new SellTransactionViewHolder (itemView);
case StockTransactionType.TRANSACTION_TYPE_DIVIDEND:
itemView = LayoutInflater.from (parent.getContext ())
.inflate (R.layout.portfolio_dividend_transaction_item, parent, false);
return new DividendTransactionViewHolder (itemView);
case StockTransactionType.TRANSACTION_TYPE_SPLIT:
itemView = LayoutInflater.from (parent.getContext ())
.inflate (R.layout.portfolio_split_transaction_item, parent, false);
return new SplitTransactionViewHolder (itemView);
throw new IllegalStateException ("Invalid transaction type: " + viewType);
protected void populateViewHolder (final TransactionViewHolder viewHolder,
StockTransactionType stockTransactionType, int position)
final String transactionId = this.getRef (position).getKey ();
final Class transaction;
final String location;
Log.e (TAG, "populateViewHolder: " + stockTransactionType.getClass ().getName () + " "
+ position);
switch (stockTransactionType.returnType ())
case StockTransactionType.TRANSACTION_TYPE_BUY:
transaction = BuyStockTransaction.class;
location = FirebaseDatabaseUtil.CHILD_TRANSACTIONS_BUY;
case StockTransactionType.TRANSACTION_TYPE_SELL:
transaction = SellStockTransaction.class;
location = FirebaseDatabaseUtil.CHILD_TRANSACTIONS_SELL;
case StockTransactionType.TRANSACTION_TYPE_SPLIT:
transaction = SplitStockTransaction.class;
location = FirebaseDatabaseUtil.CHILD_TRANSACTIONS_SPLIT;
case StockTransactionType.TRANSACTION_TYPE_DIVIDEND:
transaction = DividendStockTransaction.class;
location = FirebaseDatabaseUtil.CHILD_TRANSACTIONS_DIVIDEND;
throw new IllegalStateException ("Invalid transaction type: "
+ stockTransactionType.renameTypeString ());
DatabaseReference databaseReference = mFirebaseDatabaseReference
.child (location).child (mUserId).child (transactionId);
ValueEventListener valueEventListener = databaseReference
.addValueEventListener (new ValueEventListener ()
public void onDataChange (DataSnapshot dataSnapshot)
StockTransaction stockTransaction = (StockTransaction) dataSnapshot.getValue (transaction);
viewHolder.assignViewHolder (stockTransaction);
public void onCancelled (DatabaseError databaseError)
if (getActivity () instanceof MainActivity)
MainActivity mainActivity = (MainActivity) getActivity ();
mainActivity.showDatabaseError (TAG, Thread.currentThread ()
.getStackTrace (), databaseError);
mFirebaseListenerManager.addListner (databaseReference, valueEventListener);
protected abstract Activity getActivity ();
public void removeAllListeners ()
mFirebaseListenerManager.removeAllListners ();
, SellTransactionViewHolder
, etc. are subclasses of TransactionViewHolder
, and, BuyStockTransaction
, SellStockTransaction
, etc. are subclasses of StockTransaction
Apart from the constructor no function is even getting called. As I am new to android programming may be I am doing something silly. Can somebody help me understand what I am doing wrong?
This is how I am initializing adapter:
final DatabaseReference databaseReference = mFirebaseDatabaseReference
.child (FirebaseDatabaseUtil.CHILD_USER_STOCK_TRANSACTIONS)
.child (mUserId).child (mStockId);
mStockTransactionFirebaseRecyclerAdapter = new StockTransactionFirebaseRecyclerAdapter (
databaseReference, mFirebaseDatabaseReference, mUserId)
protected Activity getActivity ()
return StockDisplayFragment.this.getActivity ();
I hope I haven't missed out on something, and this clears all doubts. But if it doesn't I would be glad to add more info.
Ok. I implemented my own custom implementation of RecyclerAdapter
instead of FirebaseRecyclerAdapter
. Only to realise it didn't still work. But the real problem was that RecyclerView
was not visible because of a textView above which had its layout_height
set to match_parent
. So it was my silly mistake all through.