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How to save ssh login welcome banner and disconnect

I'd like to be able to sign into an ssh terminal and save the banner information, and immediately disconnect. For example i can ssh into my terminal with:

sshpass -p[PASSWORD] ssh -p 2201 [USER_NAME]@ipaddress

I get the following login welcome banner:

Linux 2.6.21 #1 PREEMPT Tue Feb 1 16:12:56 CST 2011
Site ID: xml
Last login: Wed Aug  3 09:25:29 2016 from

I can pipe the "last login" information with

sshpass -p[PASSWORD] ssh -p 2201 [USER_NAME]@ipaddress > lastlogin.txt

However, this doesn't save the rest of the banner and I still have to hit ctrl+d to disconnect. Any help would be appreciated.


  • Nemanjas command is great, but be aware that the login banner isn't always located in the same file. On Ubuntu systems it's located in /etc/ The safest way would be to read the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file, where the Banner attribute is set.

    grep Banner < /etc/ssh/sshd_config | cut -d' ' -f 2

    Use this command to extract the file name.