I have to work on a mapping from an ERP system to a MySQL database. The structure that is present in the ERP system is:
| Article | Feature | Criterion |
| Art1 | size | 4*10 |
| Art1 | color | red |
| Art1 | functionality | doesA |
| Art1 | ... | ... |
| Art2 | size | 2*5 |
| Art2 | color | green |
| Art2 | functionality | doesB |
| Art2 | ... | ... |
What i need to do is map it like this:
| Article | size | color | functionality | ... |
| Art1 | 4*10 | red | doesA | ... |
| Art2 | 2*5 | green | doesB | ... |
I can access the ERP system via T-SQL and can perform a working dynamic query, that provides me a table and looks like:
DECLARE @cols AS nvarchar(MAX),
@query AS nvarchar(MAX)
SELECT @cols = stuff((SELECT DISTINCT ', ' + quotename(f.Feature) + ''
WHERE --necessary joins
FOR xml PATH(''), TYPE
).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')
SET @query = N'SELECT Article, ' + @cols + N'
SELECT Article, Feature, Criterion
FROM --necessary tables
WHERE --necessary joins
) x
FOR Feature IN (' + @cols + N')
) p
EXEC sp_executesql @query;
The problem that is coming up now is, that the system features multiple selection for some of the features:
| Article | Feature | Criterion |
| Art3 | color | red |
| Art3 | color | green |
and the query just gives me the first result in the table.
| Article | size | color | functionality |
| Art3 | ... | red | ... |
So my question is, if there is any way to add a string concatenation either in the subquery 'x' or in the pivot table 'p', so the result becomes following:
| Article | size | color | functionality |
| Art3 | ... | red, green | ... |
@Serg has the right idea but the fields seem to be off. This should be closer.
SET @query = N'
SELECT Article, ' + @cols + N'
SELECT Article,
Criterion = STUFF(
(SELECT '', '' + t2.Criterion
FROM t1 as t2
WHERE t2.Article = t1.Article
AND t2.[Feature] = t1.[Feature]
FOR XML PATH('''')), 1, 2,'''')
FROM (SELECT Article, Feature, Criterion
FROM --necessary tables
WHERE --necessary joins) t1
) x
FOR Feature IN (' + @cols + N')
) p