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flex chart hide a datatip

We get data from multiple feeds and data may or may not exist for a certain date. So, for points that have no data we send NaN.

Question: In the below code , is there a way to not show datatip for those that are null. I have added a datatip function but it does show a small empty square, is it possible to not even show that?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
    import mx.charts.HitData;
     import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

      public var DS:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
        {date:"22-Aug-05", expense:1575.9, tax:41.87, price: 4},
        {date:"23-Aug-05", expense:NaN, tax:NaN,price: 4},
        {date:"24-Aug-05", expense:1507.1, tax:42.77,price:5 },
        {date:"25-Aug-05", expense:1568.8 ,tax:48.06, price:5},

     public function dtFunc(hd:HitData):String {
        if(""+hd.item.expense == "NaN")
            return "";
            return hd.item.expense ;


    <mx:SolidColor id="sc1" color="blue" alpha=".8"/>
    <mx:Stroke id="s1" color="blue" weight="1"/>

  <mx:Panel title="Column Chart With Multiple Axes">
     <mx:CartesianChart id="myChart" showDataTips="true" dataTipFunction="dtFunc">
           <mx:CategoryAxis id="h1" categoryField="date"/>

            <mx:AxisRenderer placement="bottom" axis="{h1}"/>

            <mx:AxisRenderer placement="left" axis="{v1}"/>
            <mx:AxisRenderer placement="left" axis="{v3}" visible="false"/>

           <mx:ColumnSeries id="cs1" 
                   <mx:LinearAxis id="v1" />

           <mx:LineSeries id="cs3" horizontalAxis="{h1}" dataProvider="{DS}" yField="price" 
            displayName="Price" form="step"
                    <mx:LinearAxis id="v3"   />           

     <mx:Legend dataProvider="{myChart}"/>


  • My guess is that you would have to extend the classes for DataTip, to check for NULL hitData objects, to kill/stop the drawing of the display.

    I do not think there is a way to do that normally in FLEX. You would have to customize and override the hitData class unfortunately. What a pain!!