Suppose this is a component
class Wysiwyg extends Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
<TextInput placeholder="Type here" />
AppRegistry.registerComponent('AwesomeProject', () => Wysiwyg)
And I typed: "Big brown eyes!"
Now if I selected "Big" from the text input. How do I get the selected text input value so that I can change the "Big" into Big bold on pressing a button.
You can do this by utilising onSelectionChange and onChangeText props of TextInput:
export default class TextSelectionTest extends Component {
state = {
selection: [0,0],
text: ''
render() {
const {selection: [start, end], text} = this.state;
const selected = text.substring(start, end);
return (
<TextInput value={text} onSelectionChange={this.onSelectionChange}
onChangeText={text => this.setState({text})}/>
<Text>{`Selected chars ${start}-${end}: ${selected}`}</Text>
onSelectionChange = event => {
const selection = event.nativeEvent.selection;
selection: [selection.start, selection.end]
As for making selection bold, I think react-native TextInput currently does not have rich text editor capabilities, so it is not possible.