I’m using Rails 4.2.7. In my model I have
class MyObject < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :address, :autosave => true, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :address, :my_object_times
and the address model
class Address < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :state
belongs_to :country
has_one :my_object
I want to write a form that will allow me to build both the child and parent objects, so I tried
<%= form_for @my_object, :url => my_objects_create_path, :remote => true do |f| %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.fields_for :address do |addr| %>
<%= addr.label :address %> <span name="my_object[address]_errors"></span><br>
City: <%= addr.text_field :city %>
<%= addr.select :state, options_for_select(us_states.collect{|s| [ s.name, s.id ]}), {:prompt => "Select State"} %>
<%= country_code_select('my_object[address]', 'country_id',
[[ 'US', 'United States' ], [ 'CA', 'Canada' ]],
{:include_blank=>true, :selected => @default_country_selected.id},
) %>
<% end %>
but the above is rendered as only
<div class="field">
How do I adjust things so that my fields render AND I'm able to create my object in my controller using
my_object = MyObject.new(params)
Edit: Per the answer given, I tried
from teh controller action taht rendres the form, but got the erorr
undefined method `build' for nil:NilClass
#this is in form loading class
def new
@myobject = MyObject.new
@myobject.address = Address.new
#Now you can use nested attribute for Address
<%=form_for(@myobject) do |f|%>
<%=f.fields_for :address do |a|%>
Your form fields here
#this is create def
def create
@myobject = MyObject.new(myobject_params)
#in params
def myobject_params
params.require(:myobject).permit(:some, :key,:of, :myobject, :address_attributes[:address, :attribute])
#this should work