In my rails app I am using devise
for authentication and my model name is user
for which I have a Boolean field admin
. In my routes.rb
, I am trying to limit all users except admins from accessing a url.
mount, :at => "/resque"
. I tried using devise's current_user helper like
mount, :at => "/resque" if current_user.admin == true
But got the error undefined local variable or method 'current_user' for #<ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper:0x000000053ac780> (NameError)
. How to do this? I am new to rails please help
Finally this is what worked for me
# routes.rb
match "/resque" => Resque::Server, :anchor => false, :constraints => lambda { |req|
req.env['warden'].authenticated? and req.env['warden'].user.is_admin?
# user.rb
class MUserLogin < ActiveRecord::Base
def is_admin?
# your admin logic here for example:
self.admin == true