I have a simple function that should check if the view is at the home interface, and if not, bring it to the home:
function returnHome() {
if (UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().navigationBar().name() == mainTitle) return true;
// set tab bar to calculations
UIALogger.logMessage("Set tab bar to main.");
if (UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().tabBar().selectedButton().name() != mainTabName) {
// go back to the home
UIALogger.logMessage("Go back to home.");
var backButton = UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().mainWindow().buttons()["Back"];
if (backButton.isValid()) {
} else {
UIALogger.logError("Could not find 'Back' button!");
Now, i can't get past the error "Could not find 'Back' button!". It's up there, on the left corner, staring right at me, and taunting me!
The UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().logElementTree()
gives me following tree:
2) UIAApplication [name:MyApplication value:(null) rect:{{x:0, y:20}, {width:320, height:460}}]
3) UIAWindow [name:(null) value:(null) rect:{{x:0, y:0}, {width:320, height:480}}]
4) UIAImage [name:(null) value:(null) rect:{{x:0, y:108}, {width:320, height:367}}]
4) UIANavigationBar [name:(null) value:(null) rect:{{x:0, y:64}, {width:320, height:44}}]
5) UIASegmentedControl [name:(null) value:(null) rect:{{x:5, y:71}, {width:310, height:30}}]
6) UIAButton [name:SementedControllerTagC, 3 of 3 value:(null) rect:{{x:212, y:71}, {width:103, height:30}}]
6) UIAButton [name:SementedControllerTagB, 2 of 3 value:(null) rect:{{x:109, y:71}, {width:102, height:30}}]
6) UIAButton [name:SementedControllerTagA, 1 of 3 value:1 rect:{{x:5, y:71}, {width:103, height:30}}]
4) UIATableView [name:Empty list value:rows 1 to 2 of 3 rect:{{x:15, y:169}, {width:290, height:247}}]
5) UIAButton [name:XYZ value:(null) rect:{{x:20, y:121}, {width:280, height:46}}]
5) UIATableGroup [name:SomeText value:(null) rect:{{x:15, y:169}, {width:290, height:50}}]
6) UIAStaticText [name:SomeText value:(null) rect:{{x:25, y:197}, {width:270, height:22}}]
5) UIATableCell [name:A value:(null) rect:{{x:15, y:219}, {width:290, height:50}}]
6) UIAElement [name:B value:(null) rect:{{x:15, y:219}, {width:247, height:50}}]
6) UIAButton [name:more info, A value:(null) rect:{{x:262, y:219}, {width:43, height:50}}]
5) UIATableCell [name:X value:(null) rect:{{x:15, y:269}, {width:290, height:50}}]
6) UIAElement [name:Y value:(null) rect:{{x:15, y:269}, {width:247, height:50}}]
6) UIAButton [name:more info, B value:(null) rect:{{x:262, y:269}, {width:43, height:50}}]
4) UIAButton [name:(null) value:(null) rect:{{x:85, y:339}, {width:150, height:32}}]
4) UIAImage [name:(null) value:(null) rect:{{x:0, y:334}, {width:320, height:97}}]
4) UIAStaticText [name:SomeText value:(null) rect:{{x:45, y:377}, {width:189, height:21}}]
4) UIAStaticText [name:SomeText value:(null) rect:{{x:45, y:406}, {width:230, height:21}}]
4) UIAStaticText [name:SomeText value:(null) rect:{{x:234, y:377}, {width:41, height:21}}]
4) UIAStaticText [name:(null) value:(null) rect:{{x:0, y:0}, {width:0, height:21}}]
4) UIAStaticText [name:(null) value:(null) rect:{{x:45, y:377}, {width:230, height:21}}]
4) UIAStaticText [name:(null) value:(null) rect:{{x:45, y:406}, {width:230, height:21}}]
4) UIANavigationBar [name:mainNavigationBar value:(null) rect:{{x:0, y:20}, {width:320, height:44}}]
5) UIAStaticText [name:mainNavigationBar value:(null) rect:{{x:108, y:28}, {width:105, height:27}}]
5) UIAButton [name:Back value:(null) rect:{{x:5, y:27}, {width:49, height:30}}]
4) UIATabBar [name:(null) value:(null) rect:{{x:0, y:431}, {width:320, height:49}}]
5) UIAButton [name:tab1 value:1 rect:{{x:2, y:432}, {width:103, height:48}}]
5) UIAButton [name:tab2 value:(null) rect:{{x:109, y:432}, {width:102, height:48}}]
5) UIAButton [name:tab3 value:(null) rect:{{x:215, y:432}, {width:103, height:48}}]
The log clearly shows the "Back" button, yet i don't get a proper reference for it. Can anyone point me in the right direction here? Am i doing something wrong? FYI, I've tried to access the buttons() from frontMostApp(), mainWindow() and navigationBar(). All failed.
The "Back" button is not a direct child of the window, but instead the navigation bar. Try accessing it with the following code:
var backButton = UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().mainWindow().navigationBar().buttons()["Back"];