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Share a link from Android App using facebook-android-sdk with local image

My android application using facebook-android-sdk:4.14.0 to share a link. I used ShareLinkContent to create share content and call setImageUrl() to specify image. I want to use image from my app (not from a internet url link) to show on share post. I already tried as below code but it not work:

if (ShareDialog.canShow(ShareLinkContent.class)) {
    ShareLinkContent linkContent = new ShareLinkContent.Builder()
} else {
    Toast.makeText(MainMenuActivity.this, "Unable to Share...Try again.",

I also tried with image from drawable but the phenomenon was same

.setImageUrl(Uri.parse("android.resource://" + getPackageName() + "/" + R.drawable.ic_boxworldpro))

Anyone can help me !!


  • According to the document here

    setImageUrl should use a URL, not a uniformed Uri in Android platform.

    a imageURL, the URL of thumbnail image that will appear on the post

    Also the java docs of the library has clearly say A network URL of image

    public ShareLinkContent.Builder setImageUrl( imageUrl)
    Set the URL of a picture to attach to this content.
        imageUrl - The network URL of an image.
        The builder.