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Two-condition While loop, one of which ends program

I have some code which exits the program when the user types 'q'

//press 'q' to quit application
ConsoleKeyInfo info = Console.ReadKey(true); ;
while (info.KeyChar != 'q') {
    info = Console.ReadKey(true);

How do I modify this structure so that there will be a different non-terminating behavior if the captured key is 'p'?

If I change the condition to:

(info.KeyChar != 'q') && (info.KeyChar != 'p')

Then 'p' will also terminate the program. Even if I put logic inside the while loop to handle the 'p' case.


ConsoleKeyInfo info = Console.ReadKey(true);
while (true) {
    info = Console.ReadKey(true);
    if (info.KeyChar == 'q') break;
    else if (info.KeyChar == 'p') {
        //other behavior

Requires the user to press 'q' twice to end the program for some reason, but the intended behavior is that the actions are triggered by one key press.


  • var exitWhile = false;
    while (!exitWhile) {
        ConsoleKeyInfo info = Console.ReadKey(true);
        switch (info.KeyChar) {
            case 'q':
                exitWhile = true;
            case 'p':
                //something else to do