I have been asked to create a database to track the frames in a short industrial video.
I have 10,000 frames which are each referenced in a container field in Table "Thumbnails" with an associated frame number (a positive 6-digit integer).
I have another Table, "Shots" which contains: Shots (text, a shot name), Shot order (a decimal number), Frame IN (an integer number), Frame OUT (another integer), and duration (a calculated value from Frame In to Frame out)...
I want to be able to call up the thumbnails in a container, so that if I call up shot 1001, i can see all the thumbnail frames from table 2, which apply to the shot in question, using the frame numbers in the Thumbnails table, and the Frame IN/OUT/Duration in the "Shots" table records...
Thing is, I have never tried to join table together or pull from 2 tables to get a result. I know this is a big question, but I was hoping someone might be able to point me in a direction to start, using Filemaker Pro 11.
Currently, the frame numbers get imported with the frame file, which is defined by the image filename. So I have to use those numbers when looking for frames in the "Thumbnail" table.
Any thoughts at all would be a huge help to me.
If you define a relationship between the two tables as:
Shots::FrameIn ≤ Thumbnails::FrameNumber
Shots::FrameOut ≥ Thumbnails::FrameNumber
you will be able to view all shot's frames in a portal to Thumbnails, placed on a layout of Shots.