I am trying to make a simple bruteforcer for rar files. My code is...
import rarfile
file = input("Password List Directory: ")
rarFile = input("Rar File: ")
passwordList = open(file,"r")
for i in passwordList:
try :
rarfile.read(rarFile, psw=i)
print('[+] Password Found: '+i)
except Exception as e:
print('[-] '+i+' is not a password ')
I think this has to do with my use of the module, because when I input a password list that I am 10000% sure contains the password to the rarFile, it prints the exception.
The real problem here is that you are catching all exceptions, not just the one you want. So use except rarfile.PasswordRequired:
That will show you that the error is not a missing password. Instead there is no function read
in the rarfile module.
Have a look at some Documentation. Rar encryption is per file, not per archive.
You need to create a object from the RarFile class and try the password on each file in the archive. (or just the first if you know that is encrypted)
import rarfile
file = input("Password List Directory: ")
rarFilename = input("Rar File: ")
rf = rarfile.RarFile(rarFilename)
passwordList = open(file,"r")
first_file = next(rf.infolist)
for i in passwordList:
password = i.rstrip()
rf.open(first_file, psw=password)
print(password, "found")
except rarfile.PasswordRequired:
print(password,"is not a password")
When you open and read lines from a file, the "new line" character is kept at the end of the line. This needs to be stripped from each line.
for i in passwordList:
password = i.rstrip()
try :
rarfile.read(rarFile, psw=password)
print('[+] Password Found: '+password)