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Conditional rewrite rules with unknowns in condition

In my theory I have some bigger definitions, from which I derive some simple properties using lemmas.

My problem is, that the lemmas for deriving the properties are not used by the simplifier and I have to manually instantiate them. Is there a way to make this more automatic?

A minimal example is shown below:

definition complexFact :: "int ⇒ int ⇒ int ⇒ bool" where
"complexFact x y z ≡ x = y + z"

lemma useComplexFact: "complexFact x y z ⟹ x = y + z"
by (simp add: complexFact_def)

lemma example_1:
assumes cf: "complexFact a b c"
shows "a = b + c"
apply (simp add: cf useComplexFact) (* easy, works *)

lemma example_2a:
assumes cf: "complexFact a b c"
shows "a - b = c"
apply (simp add: cf useComplexFact) (* does not work *)

lemma example_2b:
assumes cf: "complexFact a b c"
shows "a - b = c"
apply (simp add: useComplexFact[OF cf]) (* works *)

lemma example_2c:
assumes cf: "complexFact a b c"
shows "a - b = c"
apply (subst useComplexFact) (* manually it also works*)
apply (subst cf)
apply simp+

I found the following paragraph in the reference manual, so I guess I could solve my problem with a custom solver. However, I never really touched the internal ML part of Isabelle and don't know where to start.

Rewriting does not instantiate unknowns. For example, rewriting alone can- not prove a ∈ ?A since this requires instantiating ?A . The solver, however, is an arbitrary tactic and may instantiate unknowns as it pleases. This is the only way the Simplifier can handle a conditional rewrite rule whose condition contains extra variables.


  • The Isabelle simplifier by itself never instantiates unknowns in assumptions of conditional rewrite rules. However, the solvers can do that, and the most reliable one is assumption. So if complex_fact a b c literally appears in the assumptions of the goal (rather than being added to the simpset with simp add: or with [simp]), the assumption solver kicks in and instantiated the unknowns. However, it will only use the first instance of complex_fact in the assumptions. So if there are several of them, it will not try all of them. In summary, it is better to write

      assumes cf: "complexFact a b c"
      shows "a = b + c"
      using cf
      apply(simp add: useComplexFact)

    The second problem with your example is that a = b + c with a, b, and c being free is not a good rewrite rule, because the head symbol on the left-hand side is not a constant, but the free variable a. Therefore, the simplifier will not use the equation a = b + c to replace a with b + c, but to replace literal occurrences of the equation a = b + c with True. You can see this preprocessing in the trace of the simplifer (enable it locally with using [[simp_trace]]). That's the reason why example_1 works and the others don't. If you can change your left hand side such that there is a constant as the head symbol, then some decent proof automation should be possible without writing a custom solver.

    Further, you can do some (limited) form of forward reasoning by using useComplexFact as a destruction rule. That is,

    using assms
    apply(auto dest!: useComplexFact)

    can also work in some cases. However, this is pretty close to unfolding the definition in terms of scalability.