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Why can't we call StopForeground() method in the broadcast receiver class?

I have a broadcast receiver class and when I receive a particular broadcast I would like to stop the foreground notification. So I tried context.stopForeground() but the intellisense did not show the method. How can we call the stopForeground() method in the broadcast receiver class ?

public class Broad extends BroadcastReceiver {

    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {


             // unable to call like this




  • stopForeground() is part of the Service class and therefore it cannot be called from either the receiver or the context provided to it.

    To setup a BroadcastReceiver in your existing Service as an instance variable:

        private final BroadcastReceiver mYReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
            public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
                // Bla bla bla

    You register this receiver in your Service only (possibly on onStartCommand()), using:

    IntentFilter iFilter = new IntentFilter("my.awesome.intent.filter");
    registerReceiver(mYReceiver, iFilter);

    This will enable mYReceiver to be triggered whenever a broadcast with that IntentFilter is fired which you can do from anywhere in your app as:

    sendBroadcast(new Intent("my.awesome.intent.filter"))