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WebStorm UTF-8 encoding not showing emojis

What encoding should I use in WebStorm to see/display the emojis in the source code?

Right now using utf-8 is not showing the emojis.


  • It is not currently supported :( -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.

    UPDATE (2017-02-09): This is a work in progress so hopefully it will be fully available in 2017.1 final.

    2017.1 EAP builds already have such support (from first EAP build).

    Here is a screenshot IntelliJ IDEA (it uses the same code base for editor features):

    enter image description here



    The code editor now correctly handles Unicode emoji characters. On Mac OS X emoji characters are rendered as colored images. On Windows and Linux emoji are rendered as monochrome characters. Go ahead and use emoji in comments, String literals and resources.

    Here is screenshot from the Rider IDE (same editor code base in this regard):

    enter image description here