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how to play audio in elm

I am getting some data from my api.

      "title":"Test Rock Song",
      "artist":"Music Artist Test",
      "cityName":"Los Angles",
      "title":"R&B S1",
      "artist":"Music Artist Test",
      "cityName":"Los Angles",
      "title":"R&B S2",
      "artist":"Music Artist Test",
      "cityName":"Los Angles",

So i have iterate that data in list, each have one mp3 url. I want when i click on link then particular mp3 will play.

Please any one help me to implement this feature.


  • If you are looking for the simplest of solutions, I would recommend rendering <audio> tags with the src attribute set to the audio URL. This can give you standard audio controls. Here is a full example along with some JSON decoders:

    import Html exposing (..)
    import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
    import Json.Decode as Json
    main =
      case Json.decodeString myDecoder exampleJsonInput of
        Err err -> text err
        Ok data -> div [] <| toAudioBlock data
    toAudioBlock entry =  
      div []
        [ div [] [ strong [] [ text entry.title ] ]
        , div [] [ text "By: ",  text entry.artist ]
        , div [] ( text ["From: ",  entry.cityName, ", ", entry.stateName])
        , audio
          [ src entry.audioUrl
          , controls True
          ] []
    type alias Entry =
      { title : String
      , artist : String
      , audioUrl : String
      , stateName : String
      , cityName : String
      , businessId : Int
    entryDecoder : Json.Decoder Entry
    entryDecoder =
        (Json.field "title" Json.string)
        (Json.field "artist" Json.string)
        (Json.field "audioUrl" Json.string)
        (Json.field "stateName" Json.string)
        (Json.field "cityName" Json.string)
        (Json.field "businessId"
    myDecoder : Json.Decoder (List Entry)
    myDecoder = ["data"] <| Json.list entryDecoder
    exampleJsonInput =
              "title":"Test Rock Song",
              "artist":"Music Artist Test",
              "cityName":"Los Angles",
              "title":"R&B S1",
              "artist":"Music Artist Test",
              "cityName":"Los Angles",
              "title":"R&B S2",
              "artist":"Music Artist Test",
              "cityName":"Los Angles",

    You can paste this into I have substituted your audio examples with actual mp3s from the internet.

    If instead you are looking for a complete audio library port to Elm, there is currently no version compatible with Elm 0.17.