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Fetch certain parts of sympy solution

I have a huge symbolic sympy expression on the form

expression = factor * (f1*a + f2*b + f3*c + f4*d + f5*e)

where all of the factors a through e all consists of several terms. I.e:

a = exp(2x) + exp(3x) + sin(Ix). 

I want to create en array on the form

array = factor * [a,b,c,d,e] 

But dont see a cleaver way to do this. I´ve tried to use the factor function, but it only gives me the expression on the form of "expression" above.

Until now i have used


and then done some brute force copy paste of the factors a through e. Since I am going to get expressions with way more terms than in this example, I want to do this without the copy paste routine. Any ideas?


  • Here's a simple example you can extrapolate for more terms

    import sympy as sp
    x = sp.var('x')
    f1, f2 = sp.symbols('f1:3')
    factor = sp.symbols('factor')
    a = x**2 + sp.sin(x) + sp.exp(sp.I * x)
    b = sp.log(x)/(x+1)**2
    # example expression:
    expression = (factor * (f1 * a + f2 * b)).expand()
    # collect coefficients of f1 and f2
    coeffs = sp.collect(expression.expand(),[f1,f2], evaluate=False)
    # show the coefficients w/o the factor factor
    [(coeffs[f]/factor).simplify() for f in (f1,f2)]
    f1*factor*x**2 + f1*factor*exp(I*x) + f1*factor*sin(x) + f2*factor*log(x)/(x**2 + 2*x + 1)
    {f2: factor*log(x)/(x**2 + 2*x + 1), f1: factor*x**2 + factor*exp(I*x) + factor*sin(x)}
    [x**2 + exp(I*x) + sin(x), log(x)/(x**2 + 2*x + 1)]