As the title says I am trying to create a OneNote addin that just adds some text to the current page (in your OneNote Desktop App).
I've had a look at the API and I could add in the text to the Pages XML then update the page using UpdatePageContent()... but I can't see anything to give you the page you are currently looking at?
I'm sorry if this is obvious, or if there is a way to just edit the page without he need of the API... I've spent few days researching OneNote Addin examples but only just managed to actually get a button showing in the ribbon!
Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
The answer if you are using the Desktop version of OneNote is this:
string thisNoteBook = oneNote.Windows.CurrentWindow.CurrentNotebookId;
string thisSection = oneNote.Windows.CurrentWindow.CurrentSectionId;
string thisPage = oneNote.Windows.CurrentWindow.CurrentPageId;
These will get you the ID's of the page currently active, from there you can use
oneNote.GetPageContent(thisPage, out xmlPage);
oneNote.GetHierarchy(thisNoteBook, HierarchyScope.hsSections, out HieracyXML);
If anyone reading this needs any further help just send me a message.