Is there any public methode in 2sxc for get all Content-Types?
Or how to get list of all content-types?
(edit / added)
When I get all appTypes (from my answer below) i can access all Fields by this code:
var fieldList = (myType as ToSic.Eav.Data.ContentType).AttributeDefinitions;
the result is Dictionary of AttributeBase with properties: Name, Type, IsTitle, SortOrder,...
But I don't find properties for : REQUIRED, Visible In Edit UI, RowCount,...
Where or how I can access this properties?
I make this code and work OK
var cache = ToSic.Eav.DataSource.GetCache(null, App.AppId) as ToSic.Eav.DataSources.Caches.BaseCache;
var allTypes = cache.GetContentTypes().Select(t => t.Value);
var appTypes = allTypes.Where(t => t.Scope == "2SexyContent").ToList();
Is this the right way?