I'm making a login form on Delphi XE6 that reads an username and a password, and tries to make the connection to a database. Although I turn the LoginPrompt off, when it makes the connection it still pops up and only has the username written, the password it's blank.
I have the following code:
SearchTab.DBCon := TSQLConnection.Create(self);
SearchTab.DBCon.DriverName := 'Informix';
SearchTab.DBCon.Params.Values['Hostname'] := 'XXXX';
SearchTab.DBCon.Params.Values['DataBase'] := 'XXXX';
SearchTab.DBCon.Params.Values['User_Name'] := UsernameEdit.Text;
SearchTab.DBCon.Params.Values['Password'] := PwEdit.Text;
SearchTab.DBCon.Connected:= True;
I assume DBCon is VCL control placed on SearchTab Form ? Just remove first line:
SearchTab.DBCon := TSQLConnection.Create(self);
or Set LoginPrompt to false in DBCon after You created it:
You seem to use existing connection, but You create new, assigning default
( including LoginPrompt) to DBCon.