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How correctly to link program against library

I run ./myprogram and it gives me a warning:

Warning: Your program was compiled with SimGrid version 3.13.90, and then linked against SimGrid 3.13.0. Proceeding anyway.

Tryldd myprogram and it gives following: => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f338ef47000)  

Then I go to usr/lib and type ll *sim* in terminal:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 ken ken       21 июл 28 19:29 ->*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ken ken 12307480 июл 28 19:29*

In CMakeLists.txt I link library simgrid in such way:

target_link_libraries(CSim2Sim simgrid)

Why myprogram still links against SimGrid 3.13.0 (it doesn't exist in /usr/lib while SimGrid 3.13.90 does)?


Command locate in ternimal gives:



  • The message seems buggy, it looks like your application was actually compiled with 3.13.0, and linked to libsimgrid 3.13.90. The order was inverted in the message, I will fix that.

    It could be a problem with your includes when you compile your code, I think. Please check that you don't use old versions of msg.h/simgrid_config.h files when you compile your app (maybe there are still one in /usr/include ?).

    To check, you can look for SIMGRID_VERSION_PATCH in simgrid_config.h. it should be 90 in a recent one, not 0.