I'm stuck thinking about how to do this: I have a shopping cart and I want to create a coupon system with 2x1, 3x2, 5x3 discount, etc.
But I can't solve this to get a formula and show the total price after apply the coupon.
For example: item price: $5 usd and I have a coupon 2x1:
If I buy 2 items: TOTAL: $5,00 usd (2x1)
If I buy 3 items: TOTAL: $10,00 usd (2x1 + 1)
If I buy 4 items: TOTAL: $10,00 usd (2x1 + 2x1)
In the same way. Item price: $5 usd. and now I have a coupon 3x1.
If I buy 2 items: TOTAL: $10,00 usd (3x1 NOPE!)
If I buy 3 items: TOTAL: $5,00 usd (3x1)
If I buy 4 items: TOTAL: $10,00 usd (3x1 + 1)
If I buy 5 items: TOTAL: $15,00 usd (3x1 + 2)
If I buy 6 items: TOTAL: $10,00 usd (3x1 + 3x1)
If I buy 7 items: TOTAL: $15,00 usd (3x1 + 3x1 + 1)
How to obtain the total price using the coupon in PHP?
Another solution:
function calc($item_count, $unit_price, $coupon)
list($need, $paid) = explode('x', $coupon);
$left = $item_count % $need;
return $unit_price * (intval($item_count / $need) * $paid + $left);