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What isolation level should I use for workers pulling from a queue of jobs to run?

I have a PostgreSQL database (v9.5.3) that's hosting "jobs" for workers to pull, run, and commit back.

When a worker wants a job, it runs something to the effect of:

SELECT MIN(sim_id) FROM job WHERE job_status = 0;
-- status 0 indicates it's ready to be run

job is a table with this schema:

CREATE TABLE commit_schema.job (
  sim_id serial NOT NULL,
  controller_id smallint NOT NULL,
  controller_parameters smallint NOT NULL,
  model_id smallint NOT NULL,
  model_parameters smallint NOT NULL,
  client_id smallint,
  job_status smallint DEFAULT 0,
  initial_glucose_id smallint NOT NULL

Afterwards, it uses this sim_id to piece together a bunch of parameters in a JOIN:

SELECT a.par1, b.par2 FROM
a INNER JOIN b ON a.sim_id = b.sim_id;

These parameters are then return to the worker, along with the sim_id, and the job is run. The sim_id is locked by setting job.job_status to 1, using an UPDATE:

UPDATE job SET job_status = 1 WHERE sim_id = $1;

The results are then committed using that same sim_id.


  1. Workers wouldn't under any circumstances be able to get the same sim_id.

  2. Two workers requesting a job won't error out, one will just have to wait to receive a job.

I think that using a serializable isolation level will ensure that the MIN() always returns unique sim_id's, but I believe this may also be achievable using a read committed isolation level. Then again, MIN() may not be able to concurrently and deterministically give unique sim_id's to two concurrent workers?


  • This should work just fine for concurrent access using the default isolation level Read Committed and FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED (new in pg 9.5):

    UPDATE commit_schema.job j
    SET    job_status = 1
    FROM  (
       SELECT sim_id
       FROM   commit_schema.job
       WHERE  job_status = 0
       ORDER  BY sim_id
       LIMIT  1
       ) sub
    WHERE  j.sim_id = sub.sim_id
    RETURNING sim_id;

    job_status should probably be defined NOT NULL.

    Be wary of certain corner cases - detailed explanation in this related answer on dba.SE:

    To address your comment

    There are various ways to return from a function:

    • Make it a simple SQL function instead of PL/pgSQL.
    • Or use RETURN QUERY with PL/pgSQL.
    • Or assign the result to a variable with RETURNING ... INTO - which can be an OUT parameter, so it will be returned at the end of the function automatically. Or any other variable and return it explicitly.

    Related (with code examples):