I'd like to copy a QTreeWidgetItem, if a push-button is pushed within it.
So far I've got:
def Copy(self):
obj = self.sender()
self.Tree = qt.QTreeWidget(self)
item = qt.QTreeWidgetItem("Name")
childItem = qt.QTreeWidgetItem("Name") #<------- This I'd like to copy
bttn = qt.QPushButton("Copy This Widget", self)
self.Tree.setItemWidget(childItem, 1, bttn)
I'd like to be able to copy childItem
, so that I may place it in a QTreeWidget.
There's no direct way to get the QTreeWidgetItem
from its item-widget, so you will have to explicitly store the index somewhere so that it can be accessed later.
One way to do this is to add the index to the item-widget as a property:
bttn = qt.QPushButton("Copy This Widget", self)
index = QtCore.QPersistentModelIndex(self.Tree.indexFromItem(childItem))
bttn.setProperty('index', index)
def Copy(self):
index = self.sender().property('index')
if index.isValid():
copyItem = qt.QTreeWidgetItem(self.Tree.itemFromIndex(index))