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DDD, PHP. Domain Object and Business Logic

I've been very busy with trying to understand the concepts of ddd and Model layer lately. Read tons of articles, examples, Q and A's, spent many hours on it. And still I'm not sure if I got some principles right.

One of them is the answer to the question: How much business logic should exist in Domain Objects? Some sources say Domain Objects should be attached with the whole business logic, on the other hand, I came across articles where I assumed it should be as tiny, as possible and only represent its values. It makes me really confused.

In my understanding, domain objects are classes, that represent entities in the domain.

So, lets for example, go with Invoice entity. Each invoice consist of its items. To compute invoice value, we must sum all items values (it's very simple example, in the real world there would be cases like adding tax, computing paid value, etc)

class Invoice
    public $id;
    public $items = [];
    public $status;

    const STATUS_PAID = 'paid';
    const STATUS_NOT_PAID = 'not_paid';

    public function isPaid()
        return $this->status == self::STATUS_PAID;

    public function getInvoiceValue()
        $sum = 0;
        foreach($this->items as $item) {
            $sum += $item->value;
        return $sum;

In my understanding, method isPaid() is in the right place. It refers to its own data. But I'm not sure about getInvoiceValue(). We operate here on other domain objects.

Maybe we should use domain objects just to represent data only, but use some decorators to perform more advanced tasks?

Thanks in advance.


  • How much business logic should exist in Domain Objects? [...] I came across articles where I assumed it should be as tiny as possible and only represent its values.

    Beware of the Anemic Domain Model that almost exclusively consists of data and lacks behavior. DDD is about creating a behavior-rich domain model. Thus it's fine to add logic into domain classes.

    DDD emphasizes good object oriented design, putting methods and data together, thereby promoting highly cohesive systems.