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REDSHIFT: How can I generate a series of numbers without creating a table called "numbers" in redshift (Postgres 8.0.2)?

I need to create an empty time table series for a report so I can left join activity from several tables to it. Every hour of the day does not necessarily have data, but I want it to show null or zero for inactivity instead of omitting that hour of the day.

In later versions of Postgres (post 8.0.2), this is easy in several ways:

SELECT unnest(array[0,1,2,3,4...]) as numbers


CROSS JOIN (select generate_series as hours from generate_series(now()::timestamp, now()::timestamp + interval '1 day', '1 hour'::interval )) date_series

Redshift can run some of these commands, but throws an error when you attempt to run it in conjunction with any of the tables.


A reliable way to generate a series of numbers (e.g. 0-23) as a subquery that will run on redshift (uses postgres 8.0.2).


  • As long as you have a table that has more rows than your required series has numbers, this is what has worked for me in the past:

        (row_number() over (order by 1)) - 1 as hour
    limit 24

    Which returns numbers 0-23.