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Create MethodExpression in Java (and use in JSF)

I've been trying to get a "generic" dialog, with autocomplete functionality, to work for a few days now. Turns out, I was just creating the MethodExpression the "wrong way". So I thought I'd document this here.

To reiterate: You want to dynamically create a MethodExpression, store it in a Property and use it in a JSTL Template or JSF Page.

For example:

// Template
<c:forEach items="#{property.subItems}" var="subitem">
  <ui:include src="editor.xhtml">
    <ui:param name="autocompleteMethod" value="#{subitem.autocompMethod}" />

// editor.xhtml
// We're using RichFaces (unfortunately), but this is just an example
<rich:autocomplete mode="cachedAjax" minChars="2"


  • I've found the solution at

    public static MethodExpression createMethodExpression(String methodExpression, Class<?> expectedReturnType, Class<?>[] expectedParamTypes) {
        FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        return context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory()
                .createMethodExpression(context.getELContext(), methodExpression, expectedReturnType, expectedParamTypes);

    You can then create a MethodExpression and store it in a property. For RichFaces autocomplete, the Signature is: List<String> autocomplete(String prefix)

    @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") // Generics use type erasure
    Class<List> retType = List.class;
    Class<?>[] paramTypes = {String.class};
    MethodExpression autocompleteMethod = createMethodExpression("#{myBean.myAutocomplete}", retType, paramTypes);
    // In the questions example, we'd need to set a property here:
    this.autocompMethod = autocompleteMethod;

    Then have the apropriate getter:

    MethodExpression getAutocompMethod() {
        return this.autocompMethod;