I'm experiencing some weird things with this carousel. I have 12 slides, 11 of which show perfectly fine, but the last one wraps around and shows on other slides. I have the code in a JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/ewillstudios/rzmt1bey/
I don't really know if it's a JS problem or a CSS problem.
Thank you for your help!
$(function() {
wrap: "last",
center: true
https: //jsfiddle.net/#
$('body').on('click', '.jcarousel-next', function(e) {
$('.jcarousel').jcarousel('scroll', '+=1');
$('body').on('click', '.jcarousel-prev', function(e) {
$('.jcarousel').jcarousel('scroll', '-=1');
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<div class="row col-12-12" id="carousel">
<div class="jcarousel">
<ul class="slides">
<li class="cover">
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<h2>Lorem Ipsum</h2>
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<h3>Lorem Ipsum.</h3>
<p>Salvia fanny pack quinoa cray trust fund locavore, swag crucifix lo-fi readymade tattooed cred godard. Bicycle rights godard stumptown, knausgaard forage messenger bag raw denim iPhone slow-carb polaroid lumbersexual pickled bespoke. Authentic
single-origin coffee poutine, next level seitan stumptown deep v franzen cliche pug.</p>
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<h3>Lorem Ipsum.</h3>
<p>Salvia fanny pack quinoa cray trust fund locavore, swag crucifix lo-fi readymade tattooed cred godard. Bicycle rights godard stumptown, knausgaard forage messenger bag raw denim iPhone slow-carb polaroid lumbersexual pickled bespoke. Authentic
single-origin coffee poutine, next level seitan stumptown deep v franzen cliche pug.</p>
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<span>3</span> / 12</p>
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<h3>Lorem Ipsum.</h3>
<p>Salvia fanny pack quinoa cray trust fund locavore, swag crucifix lo-fi readymade tattooed cred godard. Bicycle rights godard stumptown, knausgaard forage messenger bag raw denim iPhone slow-carb polaroid lumbersexual pickled bespoke. Authentic
single-origin coffee poutine, next level seitan stumptown deep v franzen cliche pug.</p>
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<span>4</span> / 12</p>
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<h3>Lorem Ipsum.</h3>
<p>Salvia fanny pack quinoa cray trust fund locavore, swag crucifix lo-fi readymade tattooed cred godard. Bicycle rights godard stumptown, knausgaard forage messenger bag raw denim iPhone slow-carb polaroid lumbersexual pickled bespoke. Authentic
single-origin coffee poutine, next level seitan stumptown deep v franzen cliche pug.</p>
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<span>5</span> / 12</p>
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<h3>Lorem Ipsum.</h3>
<p>Salvia fanny pack quinoa cray trust fund locavore, swag crucifix lo-fi readymade tattooed cred godard. Bicycle rights godard stumptown, knausgaard forage messenger bag raw denim iPhone slow-carb polaroid lumbersexual pickled bespoke. Authentic
single-origin coffee poutine, next level seitan stumptown deep v franzen cliche pug.</p>
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<span>6</span> / 12</p>
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<div class="grid col-6-12">
<h3>Lorem Ipsum.</h3>
<p>Salvia fanny pack quinoa cray trust fund locavore, swag crucifix lo-fi readymade tattooed cred godard. Bicycle rights godard stumptown, knausgaard forage messenger bag raw denim iPhone slow-carb polaroid lumbersexual pickled bespoke. Authentic
single-origin coffee poutine, next level seitan stumptown deep v franzen cliche pug.</p>
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<span>7</span> / 12</p>
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<div class="grid col-6-12">
<h3>Lorem Ipsum.</h3>
<p>Salvia fanny pack quinoa cray trust fund locavore, swag crucifix lo-fi readymade tattooed cred godard. Bicycle rights godard stumptown, knausgaard forage messenger bag raw denim iPhone slow-carb polaroid lumbersexual pickled bespoke. Authentic
single-origin coffee poutine, next level seitan stumptown deep v franzen cliche pug.</p>
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<span>8</span> / 12</p>
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<div class="grid col-6-12">
<h3>Lorem Ipsum.</h3>
<p>Salvia fanny pack quinoa cray trust fund locavore, swag crucifix lo-fi readymade tattooed cred godard. Bicycle rights godard stumptown, knausgaard forage messenger bag raw denim iPhone slow-carb polaroid lumbersexual pickled bespoke. Authentic
single-origin coffee poutine, next level seitan stumptown deep v franzen cliche pug.</p>
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<span>9</span> / 12</p>
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<div class="grid col-6-12">
<h3>Lorem Ipsum.</h3>
<p>Salvia fanny pack quinoa cray trust fund locavore, swag crucifix lo-fi readymade tattooed cred godard. Bicycle rights godard stumptown, knausgaard forage messenger bag raw denim iPhone slow-carb polaroid lumbersexual pickled bespoke. Authentic
single-origin coffee poutine, next level seitan stumptown deep v franzen cliche pug.</p>
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<span>10</span> / 12</p>
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<div class="grid col-6-12">
<h3>Lorem Ipsum.</h3>
<p>Salvia fanny pack quinoa cray trust fund locavore, swag crucifix lo-fi readymade tattooed cred godard. Bicycle rights godard stumptown, knausgaard forage messenger bag raw denim iPhone slow-carb polaroid lumbersexual pickled bespoke. Authentic
single-origin coffee poutine, next level seitan stumptown deep v franzen cliche pug.</p>
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<span>11</span> / 12</p>
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<div class="grid col-6-12">
<h3>Lorem Ipsum.</h3>
<p>Salvia fanny pack quinoa cray trust fund locavore, swag crucifix lo-fi readymade tattooed cred godard. Bicycle rights godard stumptown, knausgaard forage messenger bag raw denim iPhone slow-carb polaroid lumbersexual pickled bespoke. Authentic
single-origin coffee poutine, next level seitan stumptown deep v franzen cliche pug.</p>
Firstly, your last slide clearly jumps under the first one - see here . this means the CSS is not perfect. let's see: you want 12 slides in percentage - so you give them a width instead of 9.09% do the math 100%/12 = 8.33%, thus they will stand in one row
.slides > li {width:8.33%}
Second, you are to omit 'wrap: "last" in the plugin options since you don't like the effect.