Mass assignment is a feature of Rails which allows an application to create a record from the values of a hash. There are two different mass assignment warnings which can arise. The first is when mass assignment actually occurs. Example:-[:user])
Although I am not using a hash directly to map with the fields available in the table. Instead I am doing something like: => params[:first_name], :last_name => params[:last_name ], :address => params[:address])
user.update_attributes(:first_name => params[:first_name], :last_name => params[:last_name ], :address => params[:address])
Why is this leading to a Mass Assignment Vulnerability? As I am not blindly assigning a hash, I am selectively updating only few of the attributes of the table.
One fix for this is by doing the following:
user =
user.first_name = params[:first_name]
user.last_name = params[:last_name ],
user.address = params[:address]
But this is like writing unnecessary code, so that the Brakeman is not alerting this as an issue. This is actually doing the same thing in 4 lines instead of a single line.
Can somebody please make me understand what is the actual issue here or confirm that this is a false alert and also is there any way that we can prevent this false alert to appear?
I am using ruby 1.8.7, Rails 2.3.2, Brakeman 3.0.5
It is possible to have mass assignment issues with values due to accepts_nested_attributes_for
. However, if you are not using accepts_nested_attributes_for
then this is probably a false positive.
Notice Brakeman returns a "weak" confidence warning for this code. Like most of Brakeman's "weak" confidence warnings, it is code you should take a look at but probably isn't an issue.
You can use Brakeman's ignore configuration to ignore false positives. You can also ignore weak confidence warnings by running Brakeman with -w 2
. It's also possible to turn off mass assignment warnings with -x MassAssignment
but I would not recommend that since you are running an ancient (and probably very vulnerable) version of Rails.