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Subnormal numbers in different precisions with MPFR

I would like to emulate various n-bit binary floating-point formats, each with a specified e_max and e_min, with p bits of precision. I would like these formats to emulate subnormal numbers, faithful to the IEEE-754 standard.

Naturally, my search has lead me to the MPFR library, being IEEE-754 compliant and able to support subnormals with the mpfr_subnormalize() function. However, I've ran into some confusion using mpfr_set_emin() and mpfr_set_emax() to correctly set up a subnormal-enabled environment. I will use IEEE double-precision as an example format, since this is the example used in the MPFR manual:

mpfr_set_default_prec (53);
mpfr_set_emin (-1073); mpfr_set_emax (1024);

The above code is from the MPFR manual in the above link - note that neither e_max nor e_min are equal to the expected values for double. Here, p is set to 53, as expected of the double type, but e_max is set to 1024, rather than the correct value of 1023, and e_min is set to -1073; well below the correct value of -1022. I understand that setting the exponent bounds too tightly results in overflow/underflow in intermediate computations in MPFR, but I have found that setting e_min exactly is critical for ensuring correct subnormal numbers; too high or too low causes a subnormal MPFR result (updated with mprf_subnormalize()) to differ from the corresponding double result.

My question is how should one decide which values to pass to mpfr_set_emax() and (especially) mpfr_set_emin(), in order to guarantee correct subnormal behaviour for a floating-point format with exponent bounds e_max and e_min? There doesn't seem to be any detailed documentation or discussion on the matter.

With all my thanks,


EDIT 30/07/16: Here is a small program which demonstrates the choice of e_max and e_min for single-precision numbers.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <float.h>
#include <mpfr.h>

using namespace std;

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

    // IEEE-754 float emin and emax values don't work at all
    //mpfr_set_emin (-126);
    //mpfr_set_emax (127);

    // Not quite
    //mpfr_set_emin (-147);
    //mpfr_set_emax (128);

    // Not quite
    //mpfr_set_emin (-149);
    //mpfr_set_emax (128);

    // These float emin and emax values work in subnormal range
    mpfr_set_emin (-148);
    mpfr_set_emax (128);

    cout << "emin: " << mpfr_get_emin() << "    emax: " << mpfr_get_emax() << endl;

    float f = FLT_MIN;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) f = nextafterf(f, INFINITY);

    mpfr_t m;
    mpfr_init2 (m, 24);
    mpfr_set_flt (m, f, MPFR_RNDN);

    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        f = nextafterf(f, 0);
        cout << i << ": float: " << f << endl;
        //cout << i << ":  mpfr: " << mpfr_get_flt (m, MPFR_RNDN) << endl;
        mpfr_subnormalize (m, 1, MPFR_RNDN);
        cout << i << ":  mpfr: " << mpfr_get_flt (m, MPFR_RNDN) << endl;

    mpfr_clear (m);
    return 0;


  • I'm copying my answer I gave on ResearchGate (with a link to the mpfr_subnormalize documentation):

    There are different conventions to express significands and the associated exponents. IEEE 754 chooses to consider significands between 1 and 2, while MPFR (like the C language, see DBL_MAX_EXP for instance) chooses to consider significands between 1/2 and 1 (for practical reasons related to multiple precision). For instance, the number 17 is represented as 1.0001·24 in IEEE 754 and as 0.10001·25 in MPFR. As you can see, this means that exponents are increased by 1 in MPFR compared to IEEE 754, hence emax = 1024 instead of 1023 for double precision.

    Concerning the choice of emin for double precision, one needs to be able to represent 2−1074 = 0.1·2−1073, so that emin needs to be at most −1073 (as in MPFR, all numbers are normalized).

    As documented, the mpfr_subnormalize function considers that the subnormal exponent range is from emin to emin + PREC(x) − 1, so that for instance, you need to set emin = −1073 to emulate IEEE double precision.