Using the next code:
<dxe:SpinEdit Name="Spin1" IsEnabled="{Binding Data.IsEnabled}" Mask="###.######" MaskType="Numeric"/>
I would like to select the mask format in base of a random value. Kind of(pseudocode):
if (value1 == 1)
I am working in this idea (It is defined in the own grid):
<dxg:FormatCondition Expression="[value1] = '1'" FieldName="Spin1">
<dxg:Format />
But how I define the mask in a FormatCondition for an specific case? I Can´t figure out...
Well, I got it by my own...
Just sharing for if someone need it...
My idea finally was to send a param from ViewModel which define mask in spin edit.
<dxg:GridColumn FieldName="value1" AllowEditing="True" Width="80">
<Border Background="#FFFF99">
<dxe:SpinEdit Name="SpinEditValue1" Mask="{Binding Data.Value1Mask}" MaskType="Numeric" MaskUseAsDisplayFormat="True"/>
public string Value1Mask
if (Designation == 1)
return "###.##%";
return "###.######";