I can set up an autofilter using pyWin32, but I wondered if it's possible to set a default filter and what the syntax would be.
For example, I'd like to set a filter on a year column and set the default for the current year.
xl = Dispatch("Excel.Application")
I've looked on the web for documentation on pywin32, and also Microsofts site, but can't work out how to translate the MS syntax to pywin32
Range("A2:A6").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=rng.Value
I bumped into the same problem and after a bit of experimentation, I found that it was possible to set a range on the Columns
attribute. Since I wanted to autofilter on columns A thru I, I set the criteria as follows:
This worked for me. I'm assuming that you want to filter on Columns B thru F since AutoFilter is enabled only for columns. Perhaps the following criteria will work for you: