I've been trying to learn how to use HSQLDB but it seems like any changes I make are acknowledged and then either ignored or done incorrectly. For instance, I created a new user (internal_admin) as SA but after attempting to log in as this user I get the following error:
not found: internal_admin
Command used to make user: create user internal_admin password somepassword ADMIN;
To add to my issues, I changed the password of SA to a randomized password that I copied from a .txt file (to ensure the password was entered correctly) but after trying to log in with the exact same password on SA I get an invalid authorization specification
. Checking the logs, all commands I sent went through successfully and were logged, but the changes are not being reflected. Is HSQLDB just absolutely, unforgivably awful or am I doing something wrong? I've tried restarting the db but it makes no difference.
Command used to change password: Alter User SA set password somepassword;
I should add that I'm doing this testing on my local computer, not on a remote or dedicated server.
HSQLDB enforces case sensitivity for user names and passwords. You need to use relevant quote characters for user name and password to make them in the exact case you entered..
create user "internal_admin" password 'somepassword' ADMIN;