I am trying to place order, but my call to OrderSend()
method ( https://docs.mql4.com/trading/ordersend )
is failing:
2016.08.01 00:51:09.710 2016.07.01 01:00 s EURUSD,M1: OrderSend error 4111
void OnTick() {
if ( OrdersTotal() == 0 ){
int result = OrderSend( NULL, OP_SELL, 0.01, Bid, 5, 0, Bid - 0.002, NULL, 0, 0, clrGreen );
if ( result < 0 ) Print( "Order failed #", GetLastError() );
else Print( "Order success" );
Do you know what am I doing wrong please?
call first:int result = OrderSend( NULL, // string: _Symbol,
OP_SELL, // int: OP_SELL,
0.01, // double: NormalizeLOTs( nLOTs ),
Bid, // double: NormalizeDouble( Bid, Digits ),
5, // int: slippagePOINTs,
0, // double: { 0 | NormalizeDouble( aSlPriceTARGET, Digits ) },
Bid-0.002, // double: { 0 | NormalizeDouble( aTpPriceTARGET, Digits ) },
NULL, // string: { NULL | aBrokerUnguaranteedStringCOMMENT },
0, // int: { 0 | aMagicNUMBER },
0, // datetime: { 0 | aPendingOrderEXPIRATION },
clrGreen // color: { clrNONE | aMarkerCOLOR }
For one's further peace-of-mind, one ought always normalise all the values, that have some restrictive handling on the MQL4
-side ( prices + lot ( quantised ) values -- as these are not continuous values in R domain, but rather quantum-stepped:
prices: having a 0.00001
or 0.0001
or 0.001
or 0.01
or 0.1
or 1.0
etc. stepping,
lot-volumes: being more restricted by the Broker-specific settings, per instrument, of three key values, all allowable volume sizes have to meet:
[aMinLOTs<=, +aMinLotSTEP, <=aMaxLOTs]
a proper digit normalisation
~ thus a double NormalizeLOTs( aProposedVOLUME ) {...}
is a handy tool for a seamless implementation of both parts of this need.
Error 4111:
There are a few other barriers, that prevent your MetaTrader Terminal 4
from running your code smooth:
Shorts are not allowed. Check the Expert Advisor properties
if ( !TerminalInfoInteger( TERMINAL_TRADE_ALLOWED ) )
Alert( "Check if automated trading is allowed in the terminal settings!" );
else if ( !MQLInfoInteger( MQL_TRADE_ALLOWED ) )
Alert( "Automated trading is forbidden in the program settings for ",
This instructs user to revise MetaTrader Terminal 4
under MT4 -> Tools -> Options -> ExpertAdvisor
and Broker-side Trading Instrument conditions, where shorting for some instruments may be restricted in general, or just for certain Account type(s).
if ( !AccountInfoInteger( ACCOUNT_TRADE_EXPERT ) )
Alert( "Automated trading is forbidden for the account",
AccountInfoInteger( ACCOUNT_LOGIN ),
" at the trade server side. Contact Broker's Customer Care Dept."
For more details, printScreens and demonstrated programmatic handling of this group of both Terminal
-side / Broker-side barriers: ref.-> MQL4 Reference / MQL4 programs / Trade Permission