Given a datatype such as
data Foo = Bar | Baz | Qux
and I wish to have multiple different orderings for this type, is the following the most common/standard way to achieve this?
newtype FooPriorityA = FooPriorityA { unFooPriorityA :: Foo }
instance Ord FooPriorityA where
compare (FooPriorityA x) (FooPriorityA y) = f x `compare` f y
where f :: Foo -> Int
f Baz = 1
f Bar = 2
f Qux = 3
newtype FooPriorityB = FooPriorityB ... and so on
Is delegating to Int's Ord instance like that crazy? It feels safer and a whole lot less work than writing out the n^2 comparisons for compare
Any obvious flaws I might have overlooked with this "hack"? Is it even a "hack"?
You only need O(n) (2n - 1, to be precise) definitions to specify a total order, as long as you specify the cases in increasing order of priority:
instance Ord FooPriorityA where
compare (FooPriorityA x) (FooPriorityA y) | x == y = EQ -- Use the Eq instance
-- Bar is the smallest
| x == Bar = LT
| y == Bar = GT
-- Baz is the next smallest
| x == Baz = LT
| y == Baz = GT
-- Proceed in the desired order.
-- You don't need to say anything
-- explicit about the largest value
The first case (x == y
) covers O(n) possibilities. Each case that follows may look incomplete, but it carries the implied information that each preceding case is false. For example, x == Bar = LT
does not mean that every case where x == Bar
evaluates to LT
; the case where x == Bar && y == Bar
is already handled, so the second case is really implicitly x == Bar && y /= Bar
Likewise, case 4 (x == Baz
) carries the assumption that y /= Baz
(implied by the failure of case 1 to match) and y /= Bar
(implied by the failure of case 3 to match). Therefore, any remaining possible value for y
is, in fact, greater than Baz
The further down the list you go, the fewer unhandled cases remain. By the end, you don't need to say anything explicit about the largest item; all the information about how it compares to the other n - 1 items has already been captured by the preceding cases.
Also, keep in mind that your definition of f
is one half (fromEnum
) of the minimum implementation of an instance of the Enum
class, which you could then use to define your Ord
instance Enum FooPriorityA where
fromEnum Bar = 1
fromEnum Baz = 2
fromEnum Qux = 3
toEnum 1 = Bar
toEnum 2 = Baz
toEnum 3 = Qux
instance Ord FooPriorityA where
compare x y = compare (fromEnum x) (fromEnum y)
-- compare = compare `on` Data.Function.fromEnum