My fiddle is here.
I'm extending the example in the Fiddle here based on this answer to work with Bloodhound.
I'm prefetching the data using the following snippet:
var cities = new Bloodhound({
datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('text'),
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
prefetch: prefetch_url,
This is based on the example here.
I've modified the typeahead
within tagsinput()
to get and use the text
and value fields appropriately.
I have the following problems:
Uncaught TypeError: sync is not a function
from the bloodhound.js
file.I'd like the textbox to populate based on the cities.json
. Thus, if I enter Amsterdam and Washington, I should see $("#myBox").val() = "1,4"
I think I may be wrongly mixing different versions of typeahead, but I've tried several combinations of JS files without any luck.
Your first issue is a simple css fix. The following css will make your Textbox match the parent element width. If you prefer a fixed width instead just set a fixed value
/* match parent element width */
.bootstrap-tagsinput {
width: 100%;
/* alternatively set a fixed width */
.bootstrap-tagsinput {
width: 320px;
The second problems wa located in some misconfiguration. You missed to set the properties itemValue
and itemText
of the tagsinput plugin. I also added a method which populates your selected cities. If you don't need this feature just remove the method populateValues()
Surly there is some room to improve this implementation but this could be easily done by yourself, right?
Edit: After further debugging using a promise seems to fix OPs issues mentioned in comments.
You can find a working example here:
Example Repo: