Two DFAs (Deterministic Finite Automaton or Deterministic Fininte-State Machines - Which will be called DFAs from here on) Defined over the set DFA 1: L1 = {Q1, E, D1, s1, F} DFA 2: L2 = {Q2, E, D2, s2, F}
Q is the list of states. Ex 1, 2, 3, 4 or a, b, c, d
E is the the language Ex. 0, 1
D is the transition set Ex. {(a,0,b)} state a goes to b on a 0
s is the starting state
F is the final state
How would you take and exclusive-or of two DFAs L1 and L2
Q = Q1 X Q2;
E = E;
D is all transitions that agree from both systems;
s = S1 intersect S2;
F = F1 XOR F2