I have been trying to post video to server:
_capturePreset = AVCaptureSessionPresetHigh;
[[self class] dimensionsForCapturePreset:_capturePreset
_capture_queue = dispatch_queue_create("com.tokbox.OTVideoCapture",
_videoFrame = [[OTVideoFrame alloc] initWithFormat:[OTVideoFormat videoFormatNV12WithWidth:screenWidth
I wanted to capture screen resolution as same as when a video is recorded on device but it is returning 640*480 always. Can tell how to set desired resolution for recording and archiving video from the server?
Composed archives have a fixed dimension of VGA (640x480). If you prefer to capture the full published resolution, consider evaluating individual stream archiving.
Please refer this link for details. https://support.tokbox.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/206241666-Archived-video-resolution-is-supposed-to-be-720x1280-but-reports-as-640x480