I have web server where other sites redirect to with some GET parameters. My situation:
Which technology should I use to query/filter that data? Previously I download files on one ubuntu machine and then grep it to get the results. I also tested Hadoop over AWS but I found it difficult to use.
What technology/solution is best in terms of:
Thank you for your attention to this matter
You can use AWS cloud watch log stream; correctly it's created for your needs. You can create log stream and with the small code on your client side( your web server), you can automatically push logs to cloud watch.
After sending the log data to cloud watch, you can search, filter, create metrics and dashboard from your log files.
For example, you want to count all "failed login", in your logs, or you want to calculate your web server downstream size or any other metrics.
It's very easy and fast.
also with cloud watch, you can create an alert and receive the alert when somethings happen in your log files.
Finally, you can create a beatifull dashboard from your logs metrics.
Enjoy Cloud Watch!!
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