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Bash error with '+' operand // Quotes misuse

☿[~]$ alias hdd='echo Σ= $(($(df -BMB /dev/sdb1 --output=used | tail -1 | grep -o '[0-9]*')+$(df -BMB /dev/sdc1 --output=used | tail -1 | grep -o '[0-9]*'))) Mb'

This alias suddenly stopped doing its job:

☿[~]$ hdd
bash: +: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "+")

But the command still works:

☿[~]$ echo Σ= $(($(df -BMB /dev/sdb1 --output=used | tail -1 | grep -o '[0-9]*')+$(df -BMB /dev/sdc1 --output=used | tail -1 | grep -o '[0-9]*'))) Mb
Σ= 3782845 Mb


  • Don't use an alias; define some functions instead.

    get_space_used () {
        df -BMB "$1" --output=used | tail -1 | grep -o '[0-9]*'
    hdd () {
        sdb1=$(get_space_used /dev/sdb1)
        sdc1=$(get_space_used /dev/sdc1)
        echo "$(( sdb1 + sdc1 ))"

    This makes quoting easier, refactors duplicate code, and makes it much easier to pinpoint what the problem is in the event of an error. In your case, there was a problem with the second df pipe, since bash was attempting to execute something like echo $(( foo + )).