The office I work in, uses Outlook Messenger for internal communication. And I want to use VirtualBox for some development purpose being in the office network.
But after installing VirtualBox the Outlook IP is somehow intercepted. I know, if I uninstall VBox, Outlook will function like before. But I don't want to uninstall VBox.
How can I resolve the conflict?
Is there a way I can temporarily shut off the VBox's IP configuration so the Outlook can work nice? In this way I can sacrifice Outlook for team communication for that niche bit of time while I would use VBox.
It's easy. Solution given by my colleage Mr. Afzal Hossain:
As of Windows 7:
Step 1: Open Network and Sharing Center:
Step 2: Change adapter settings:
Step 3: Disable the VirtualBox Host-Only Network:
And yala! Now get back to the Outlook Messenger and right click and Refresh the users, it'll work fine. :)
You can make it a Desktop Shortcut, so that you can easily Enable/Disable the connection anytime.
Props: Mr. Afzal Hossain Noman.