I am making a HTML5 mobile app via XDK. I have some forms which I use Captcha validation in the website. In my prospective, comment spam for a mobile app doesn't make any scenes. Does anyone see any comment spam for mobile apps? Do you think I need to use Captcha validation in a mobile app form or leave it to not to bother the users?
The best way to prevent comment spam and spam bots in both websites and hybrid apps is to create the form dynamically by JS or jQuery instead of putting the form in the view (HTML codes) directly. In this way you don't need to put Captcha to protect it from bots. Here is a sample code for creating a form with jQuery:
// Make THE FORM tag
var $form = $("<form/>", {
appendTo : $("#contactFormSection"),
class : "col-xs-12 col-sm-11",
id : "contactForm",
submit : AJAXSubmitForm
type : "hidden",
name : "flag", // Needed for serialization
value : "5",
appendTo : $("#nameSection"),
on : { // Yes, the jQuery's on() Method
input : function() {
console.log( this.value );
//Make Name INPUT
type : "text",
class : "formContact",
id : "exampleInputName2",
name : "name", // Needed for serialization
placeholder : "Your Name",
appendTo : $("#nameSection"),
on : { // Yes, the jQuery's on() Method
type : "email",
class : "formContact",
id : "exampleInputEmail1",
name : "email", // Needed for serialization
placeholder : "Your Email",
appendTo : $("#emailSection"),
on : { // Yes, the jQuery's on() Method
class : "formContact-text",
rows : "3",
name : "msg", // Needed for serialization
placeholder : "Your message",
appendTo : $("#msgSection"),
//submit the form
function AJAXSubmitForm(event) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent Default Form Submission
// do AJAX instead:
var serializedData = $(this).serialize();
url: "Your server API URL",
type: "POST",
data: serializedData,
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
// log the data sent back from PHP
} else{