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Why isn't my script files included when i load external content into a #content div with ajax load();

I'm trying to figure out why my JS files (script files) aren't loading when i load external content into my DIV with the id of content. I get the HTML and CSS but somehow the scripts doesn't load.

  • My index page (with head, body etc.. including scripts and css links) is showing on page load (inside #content DIV).

  • What am i doing wrong here? What would be the easiest way to include my script files on all my external pages which loads into my #content div?

Sample code to get a better picture of the problem situation:

    <a href="Link1">Link1</a>
    <a href="Link2">Link2</a>

        <div class="name">Erik</div>

        <a class="btn btn-1 btn-1a about" href="about" id="aboutbtn">About me</a>

            <div id="content">


Video link that explains what i've done so far (NOT MY VIDEO), without the explanation of how to include my script files:

If there are any questions just ask, and i will try to make it more clear!

Thanks beforehand! /// E


  • Whatever your using is phasing out the scripts, which is all good, because scripts have to work with the document as a whole not when it's fragmented.

    You could load the scripts after the elements/HTML/CSS are appended to the document. I looked at your video and fair enough Jquery has a special method to load scripts and have them added to the program stack.


    Check documentation:

    Throw that code into a separate .js file and load it in.


    Better yet use .appendTo() in your case: