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Trying to pull files from my Github repository: "refusing to merge unrelated histories"

I'm learning git, and I'm following the Git community book.

Previously (long time ago) I made a public repository on Github, with some files. Now I set up a local Git repository on my current computer, and committed some files. Then I added a remote pointing to my Github page:

[root@osboxes c]# git remote add learnc

That seemed to be successful:

[root@osboxes c]# git remote show learnc
* remote learnc
  Fetch URL:
  Push  URL:
  HEAD branch: master
  Remote branch:
    master tracked
  Local ref configured for 'git push':
    master pushes to master (local out of date)

Now I want to download the files from my Github repo to my computer. I did this:

[root@osboxes c]# git fetch learnc
[root@osboxes c]# git merge learnc/master
warning: refname 'learnc/master' is ambiguous.
Already up-to-date.

However, I don't see any new files in my local directory. How can I get them?

I also tried to do this:

[root@osboxes c]# git pull learnc master
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories

BTW, locally I'm on master branch (there are no other branches):

[root@osboxes c]# git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean


  • Try --allow-unrelated-histories

    Like max630 commented, or as explained here Git refusing to merge unrelated histories