I've tried restarting a program every few minutes with a batch file which looks like the following. However it only opens the .exe
a lot of times which causes them to crash. Anyone knows why this problem occurs?
@echo off
start "programm" "D:\Downloads\programm.exe"
timeout /t 1200 >null
taskkill /f /im "programm" >null
timeout /t 7 >null
goto loop
I hate a short answer, but it's an easy and quick fix. null
is nothing, use nul
as it's almost certainly skipping the invalid output name.
So the code:
@echo off
start "programm" "D:\Downloads\programm.exe"
timeout /t 1200 >nul
taskkill /f /im "programm" >nul
timeout /t 7 >nul
goto :loop