I have a task to push tag to the repository :
task tagRepo << {
def gitTagName = 'a11'
def gitTagMessage = 'This s a new tag'
def gitUserName = 'uname'
def gitPassword = 'password'
def credentials = new org.ajoberstar.grgit.Credentials(gitUserName, gitPassword)
def grgit = org.ajoberstar.grgit.Grgit.open(dir: project.rootDir.absolutePath, creds: credentials)
def remotes = grgit.remote.list()
logger.info('git remotes size - ' + remotes.size())
logger.info('git remotes - ' + remotes)
def central = remotes.find { it.name == 'central' }
if (!central) {
def gitRepoLocation = 'git@bitbucket.org/bluetooth1.git'
grgit.remote.add(name: 'central', url: gitRepoLocation)
grgit.tag.add(name: gitTagName, message: gitTagMessage)
grgit.push(remote: 'central', tag:true)
It complains about the credentials but the credentials are correct and have proper permissions
If you are trying to use your Bitbucket username and password as authentication, you should be using the HTTPS URL, not the SSH one: